Prospects Overview

Prospects Overview

What is the Prospect Module

The Prospect module is designed to help you communicate and track prospective properties listings for Sale or Rent

Property vs Listing

Within this module we introduce the terminology "Property". It is important to understand the difference between a Listing and a Property within Arosoftware, as we know a lot of agencies can use these terms interchangeably

A Listing is a property/business that you have either appraised or listed. 

A Property is a prospective Listing (This includes everything not on the market, as well as Listings with other Agencies).

How to Add a Property

There are two ways to add a Property to your Prospect module. You have the ability to add an individual Property or you can use the bulk tool.

How to Add/Edit Property Details

Once you have added Properties, you can then add/edit the details for that PropertyThis includes;
  1. Vendor Details
  2. Market Status
  3. Property details (beds, baths etc)
  4. Sale History

Tracking Properties Listed with other Agencies

Using the Prospects module you can easily track other agencies listings in your area

How to Search Properties

Pricefinder Integration

You can now link your Pricefinder account to your Arosoftware account. This will allow you to see Pricefinder details within your PropertiesYou will be able to;
  1. View features and land details of the property
  2. View sales history
  3. Create CMA's (for both sales and rentals)

Prospects F.A.Q.