How to Bulk Add Properties
This guide will show you how to bulk add Properties to the Prospects module.
- Hover over the Setting cog at the top right hand corner
- In Properties column select Bulk Add Properties
- Select the State
- Start typing the Suburb and select the chosen suburb from the dropdown
- If you wish to add the entire suburb, select this button to the right of the Suburb field
- Start typing in the Street if you wish to add using this field. Select the Street from the dropdown list
- If you wish to add more than one Suburb or Street, select the dropdown box again and start typing. Select the correct Suburb/Street from the dropdown and this will then be added to the Target Suburbs/Streets at the bottom of your screen
- Once you have added your chosen Suburbs/Streets, click on the green Assign Consultants button
- Enter the Consultant or Consultants you wish to assign these properties to. You have the option to allocate properties to all selected consultants (with the first selected as the Primary), or to distribute them in a round robin of the selected Consultants
- Once the Consultants have been selected, click on the green Check Details button
- Double check all details for the import (Please note once the process has started it will run until completion)
- If all details are correct, click on the green Start Importing button
- You will receive an email to confirm once the import has been completed
- Click back into the Prospects header and select Properties to view the imported data