Rello Integration - Getting started

Rello Integration - Getting started

Here's a step by step guide to getting your Rello integration up and running.

Step 1 - Request a Merchant ID

If you have an account with RelloPay already,  you can add your merchant ID in the software by going to the setup cog,  then clicking on Integrations and scroll down to Rello. 
Click on Setup in the Rello section, Click 'Add Merchant' and enter in your  existing merchant ID.  

Otherwise click here to view the help article - Rello Integration Setup - Request Merchant ID  This will send a request to Rello to start the account onboarding process where you will be provided with your Merchant ID for step 2.
Next we need to link the merchant ID to the relevant agencies/offices

Step 3 - How to create a VPA Request

This article will show you how to send a finance request to Rello for your vendor

Step 4 - How to View VPA Requests

You can keep track of your outstanding / pending requests here

Frequently Asked Questions

RelloPay is currently only available to clients in Australia