Renew My Domain Name

Renew My Domain Name

This article will guide you through renewing your domain name.

Your domain name must be registered through Arosoftware. If your domain name is not registered through Arosoftware you will need to contact your domain name registrar to renew your domain
  1. Start by going here -
  2. Login to your domain name registrar account
  1. Click on the "Overview" tab
  1. You will now be presented with a list of your domain names
  2. Any domain names that are due for renewal will have the option to click "Renew"
  1. Click "Renew" for the domain name that you would like to renew
  2. Select the amount of years you would like to renew the domain name for
  3. Enter your credit card details
  4. Click the "Place your order" button
  5. Your domain name has now been renewed