New listing not showing on website

New listing not showing on website

This article will take you through some troubleshooting steps if you have just made a new Listing Available in your database and it is not showing on your website.

  1. Has the update been sent through?
    1. You can check this in the Websites tab of the listings by viewing the last updated time. If automatic updates were turned off when you made the listing Available, the listing is not automatically sent through to your website. You can send this listing by clicking on the Update button
  1. How long ago did the feed get sent through?
    1. Although normally relatively quick, listings can sometimes take several minutes to appear on your website
  2. Has the listing gone through to your website but is not showing on a specific page?
    1. You can see a listing page by clicking into the Websites tab for that listing, and selecting the View on Website button. This will take you to that listing's direct page so you now know there was no issue with the listing itself. If the listing is not appearing as a New Listing on your Sales/Rentals page - double check the Listing Date in Aro. Most listing pages are sorted using this date
  3. Is the listing a different type (e.g., your first business listing)?
    1. If it's not displaying on your website, it could be a simple issue of needing a new page created on your website for that type of listing (e.g., a Business Listings page). There is no cost involved in having this setup; you will need to contact the support team, and they will have the new page with the correct search files created. Email with the information of what you need to be added
  4. If the listing is not appearing on your home page, this could be a Feature Listings display.
InfoTo add a Listing as a Feature Listing, view Feature Listings