Selecting which Portals a Listing uploads to

Selecting which Portals a Listing uploads to

This file will guide you through how to select and deactivate 3rd party portal upload options.

When portal feeds are set up, they can be added as either Active or Available:

  1. Active - These are the websites that your listings will automatically upload to.
  2. Available - These are websites which you have a feed set up with but must be manually selected when you wish to upload a listing to them.

By default, all new 3rd party portals are selected for manual upload (Available) when a new listing is created. This setting can be changed by our Support team, please just send a request through to

It is possible to manually adjust which portals a particular listing will upload to, by deactivating the portal options in the Websites tab on the listing view.

It is critical this is done prior to making the property available to avoid uploading to a paid portal where charges may apply.
  • Search for the listing using the quick search magnifying glass in the top right
  • Select your listing
  • Click into the Websites tab on the left-hand side
Websites Tab
  1. Look through the sites that are in the Active websites list and find the feed you wish to deactivate for this listing
  2. Click on the Deactivate button for that website
Deactivate Website Feed
  1. This website feed will now have moved into your Available list
  2. You can then proceed to make the property Available as normal and it will not be uploaded to this deactivated website

Available Feeds

  1. To Activate or Reactivate an Available website feed, simply click on Activate. This website will then move up into your Active feeds. If the listing is already Available at this point, the Listing will be sent through to that website
Activate Available Feed

Withdrawing a listing when already uploaded

Once a listing has been uploaded, you can use this same feature to withdraw the listing from one specific website.

  1. On the listing page, click into the Websites tab on the left
  2. Find the website you wish to withdraw the listing from in your Active list
  3. Click on the Withdraw button next to the website name
Withdraw Listing
  1. If you then wish to resubmit the listing to that website, simply click on the Re-add button
Re-add Listing

If a listing is uploaded to a paid portal and removed within minutes, they will still receive the listing details followed by a second request to withdraw the listing. In this instance we would recommend contacting the site directly to confirm that the fee for this listing is waived.