Facebook Apps Overview

Facebook Apps Overview

Facebook no longer supporting website frames - 1st Dec, 2022
Unfortunately Facebook is removing support for website i-frames/embeds within Facebook business pages as they move to the new business page experience. This means that the Aro facebook apps are currently unavailable for purchase. We will monitor any changes from Facebook and post updates if the situation changes in the future.

A Facebook app with Aro means your listings, team members, open homes and much more are automatically uploaded to your Facebook page. Putting your business where it needs to be: in front of billions of people - Learn More

Install Your Facebook App

Once you purchase your facebook app, you will need to install it onto your facebook page.
  1. Login to your business facebook page
  2. In the search bar, enter "iframe tabs"
  3. Locate "Static html: iframe tabs" and click "Use now"
  4. Click the green "Add static HTML to a page" button
  5. From the drop down select the page you would like to add the app to and click the "Add page tab" button
  6. Follow the "iframe tabs" setup wizard entering the URL of the facebook app page that you would like to install into the website URL field.


Q. Will Arosoftware install my facebook app for me?
Sure, just send your business facebook page login details through to support@arosoftware.com

Q. How many pages does my facebook app come with?
All Facebook apps come with over 20 pages such as listings, open homes, testimonials, appraisal request. To view all of your pages simply visit your facebook app home page.