Why dont my OFI's sync to my Google Calendar?

Why dont my OFI's sync to my Google Calendar?

Open for Inspection (OFI) times are unable to sync with your Google Calendar due to a limitation in how the software interacts with external calendars.

Here’s the issue: If you change the time or date of an OFI in your Google Calendar, the software does not automatically reflect that change. This is because the software doesn't have a mechanism to update the OFI times in your Arosoftware account based on changes made in Google Calendar.

To ensure the correct OFI times are displayed both in your software and on your calendar, it is essential that any changes are made directly in the software. Once the OFI times are updated in Arosoftware, they will then sync correctly to the portals and calendars.

Key Points to Remember:

  • Always update your OFI times directly in Arosoftware
  • Changing the time in Google Calendar won't sync back to Arosoftware or the portals
  • Consistency in updating your OFI times within the software will ensure proper synchronization with portals and other systems