What do I do after I've completed an REA Data import

What do I do after I've completed an REA Data import

After an REA import is completed into Aro, a number of things have to be checked and adjusted in order to get everything running correctly 

Archive Extra Team Members

When the REA import comes through, the software creates any team members that were associated with listings in your REA account.  Depending on your account, you have a certain number of active team members on your account,  so any extras members that are no longer being used, will need archiving. Most of these extras were probably associated with Sold or deleted listings with REA and we also want you to avoid being charged for additional team members that are not required. To archive the Team Members do the following:
  1. Click the Settings Cog > Team Members
  2. Click on the 3 dots to the right of their name and select Archive on any team members that need to be removed
  3. You will be asked to re-assign their listings to another Team Member
  4. Select one of the Current Team Members
  5. Click Save

Move Pending Listings

Available listing in REA are imported into Aro as Pending. They need a couple of details adding to them and then the listing can be pushed back to REA. To do this:
  1. Click on the Pending listing on your Homepage

  1. You will see a list of your sales listings
  2. Click on the edit pen on the right (or click into the listing and click on Edit)
  3. Change the Listing status to Available, and then complete any required details in the Available Checklist on the right
  4. Click on Save Listing
  5. This will then send your listing to REA and also to your website
  1. You will also need to check pending Rentals, Commercial Sales or Business types if you have any of these listing as these will need changing to Available too (same as above).

Under Contract Listings

These listings need the contract details adding to them. To do this:
  1. Open one of the listings
  2. Click into the Contracts tab on the left
  3. Click on Add Contract and complete any mandatory details
  4. Save the Contract and the listings will send back through to REA and also through to your website