Text in property description is displaying wrong on website

Text in property description is displaying wrong on website

When text is copied into the listing from another program, it can sometimes bring formatting from the previous document which then overrides the website formatting.

To correct this;
  1. Edit the listing
  2. Go to the marketing details tab
  1. Click into the property description
  2. Select all text in description

  1. Cut the text out, then click in and backspace a few times to make sure you get all the text and formatting out
  2. When you paste it back in make sure you only paste as plain text

It's best to use keyboard shortcut functions below:

  1. Mac: Command + Shift + A
  2. Windows: Ctrl + A
  3. Paste text on Windows: Ctrl + Shift + V
  4. Paste text on Mac: Option + Shift + Command + V