Team Member Forgotten Password

Team Member Forgotten Password

This file will guide you through the steps to reset any Team Members password. Only Team Members with Management or Admin permissions can do this. There is a minimum of 1 person in each office that will have that permission
  1. Click the Settings Cog > Team Members
  2. Click on the relevant Team Member
  3. Click the Edit pen on the right hand side of the team member
  4. Go to the password section
  1. Change password and Save

  1. Login to Aro Software and click on "Setup" then click on "Team Members"
  2. Click on the relevant team member
  3. Click on "Reset Password" button
  1. This will send the user to the email entered on their file an email password change request

  1. The user will need to click on the link and follow the steps to change their password (Your password needs to be at least a minimum of 8 characters with letters and numbers)
  2. Any staff who have Management or Admin permissions can update the password on any team member
If the Team Member option is not available under the Setup menu, you do not have permission to access this function in the software, please contact the person in your office that has "Management" or "Admin" permissions