SMS Sender ID's & SMS Stop reply number settings

SMS Sender ID's & SMS Stop reply number settings

An SMS sender ID is a number or name that any SMS messages you send will come from.

SMS sender ID's must not be longer than:

  • 15 numbers long for mobile number sender ID
  • 11 characters long for text IDs

Add a new Sender ID

  1. Go to the "Setup" menu and click on "Agencies & Offices"

  1. Edit the Agency that you would like to add this sender ID too
  2. Click the "SMS" tab
  3. Add a Sender ID
  4. Click "Save Agency"

Setting your default Sender ID

Your default sender ID will be used on all automatic SMS message that get sent out of Aro. 

Setting your STOP (Opt out) Number

InfoSPAM ACT 2003 states that all commercial SMS must include an opt out in the message. All SMS messages will show the following text on the second line: Reply STOP to 04........
The Stop reply number is a mandatory field in the global settings in the Main Settings
  1. Click on the Settings Cog > Global Settings
  1. There is also the option of using a different mobile number in both the Agency and Office SMS tab settings

The software will use the number in Office first, if not set it will use the number in Agency and if not set it will use the number in Global settings