SMS Campaign Reports Dashboard

SMS Campaign Reports Dashboard

When you open up a campaign report, you will see the following dashboard

SMS Campaign Report Overview

Across the top of the overview page, you can see a snapshot of key outcomes of the campaign
Beneath this we have another summary of recipients. These items are clickable, to drill down on and view associated contacts. 

Recipient Metrics Breakdown 

Total Recipients- This refers to the total amount of contacts included as recipients of the SMS campaign. 
Successful Deliveries- If we receive data back that the SMS was delivered, the statistics will show here. Note: A lot of the time we do not get feedback data back and this is not an accurate representation of total deliveries. It can however be a useful indicator over a period of time to compare SMS campaigns. 
Bounced-  Includes any SMS that has been unable to be delivered. They are split into a couple of types of delivery event. The delivery event could be one of three types
Bounced - The total number of Bounces, this is when a SMS cannot be delivered, often this are caused by outdated or incorrectly entered phone numbers. 
Dropped - Not delivered by the external SMS delivery provider, most likely due to invalid phone numbers or missing phone numbers. 
            ( This type of event is a good opportunity to correct your data, so you can send them a follow- up SMS campaign.)
Failed - The total number of Recipients that were not sent by the software. 
Exceed Retry Limit- This means your SMS has Been sent to the SMS carrier, but has not been received. Every carrier has a different retry period, which varies from 24 hours- 72 hours. (This could be caused by receivers phone being out of credit, out of range, or turned off etc). 
Credits used- This is how many credits were used to send your SMS campaign, this is based on characters used in the message. 

Recipient Activities

Selecting the 'Recipient Activities' tab will open a drill down version of the campaign data, where you can select a number of different metrics and view the recipients. This data can then be used to make amendments to contacts or perform numerous bulk actions by ticking the box on the left of each recipient.