Setting up your team member profile

Setting up your team member profile

My Settings

Updating your password

  1. To change your existing password, click on your profile headshot up the top right hand corner and select My Details > My Profile
  1. Click Edit Team Member

  1. On this page you will be able to enter a new password. You will then be prompted to re-enter that new password to confirm it is correct
Your password needs to be at least a minimum of 8 characters with a combination of letters and numbers.

  1. Once you have finished, click the 'Save Member' button

Updating your profile pic and bio

In Arosoftware each team member has a bio and profile picture that is used on your Arosoftware website.

  1. To update your team member profile, click on your profile headshot up the top right hand corner and select My Details > My Profile

  1. Click Edit Team Member
  2. You will then need to select the Profile tab on the left, and you will be taken to this screen

  1. On this page, you can update your profile (bio) information by adding your details to the Profile field. This information will display on your team member profile page of your website

It is very important that if you are pasting copy into this field, that you paste without formatting ( On a Windows PC, this is done using - Ctrl+Shift+V, On a Mac you use- Command+Shift+V). This will ensure no background formatting will be entered and will display correctly on your site. 
  1. You are also able to upload a profile image. This image will be used on your team member profile page, and on any of your listings on your website. 
    1. The ideal size for your profile picture is 400x400px
  2. Click the '+ Add Photo' button and upload an image from your computer.
  3. Once you have finished updating your profile details, click the 'Save Member' button.

Adding your social media accounts

You can link your social media accounts to your Arosoftware profile and display on your team member profile page on your website.

  1. To your social media accounts, click on your profile headshot up the top right hand corner and select My Details > My Profile

  1. Click Edit Team Member
  2. You will then need to select the Contact Details tab on the left

  1. Click on the Add Other Details button to expand this area

  1. To add a social media account, use the drop down menu and select the correct platform. Then simply add the URL that links to your account.
  2. You can add additional accounts by clicking the ‘+’ icon in the actions column and repeat the steps above.

Update your email signature in Arosoftware

Your email signature in Arosoftware will be used for any email or notification that is sent from the system. This includes the Send Email module, autoresponders, Property Alert emails and any workflow emails you have created. 

By default, your signature consists of your name, phone number and email address. However, you can update this to include more detail, as well as images and logos.  

  1. To update your team member profile, click on your profile headshot up the top right hand corner and select My Details > My Profile

  1. Click Edit Team Member
  2. Click Profile tab on the left, and scroll to the bottom of the page
  1. Using the module tools, you are able to:
    1. Add or edit text
    2. Add images
    3. Add links
    4. Format the look of your signature 

It is very important that if you are pasting copy into this field, that you paste without formatting (On a Windows PC, this is done using - Ctrl+Shift+V, On a Mac you use- Command+Shift+V). This will ensure no background formatting will be entered and will display correctly on your site. 

  1. Once you have finished, click Save Member and your next emails will contain this new signature.

Your Notifications

There are a number of notifications that the Arosoftware system will generate to notify you of different actions within your database. 

We know that different types of notifications are more important than others, so we have multiple ways of delivering these. 

We have set some defaults as to how these are delivered, but as a user, you have control over how these notifications are sent to you.

  1. To view your notification settingsclick on your profile headshot up the top right hand corner and select My Notifications

  1. For each notification you have the option to receive;
    1. As an email
    2. By SMS (this requires the SMS module setup in your database and to have available credits)
    3. As an email + SMS
    4. A desktop notification only
    5. Or you can disable the notification completely.
  2. Once you have updated all of your preferences, click the save button to update.
  3. You can see each of your notifications, and how they were sent, by clicking on the notification icon in your navigation bar.