Setting up a new Trust Account

Setting up a new Trust Account

Before you can start using the Trust Account module you have to create a Trust Account in the database.
  1. Hover over the Finances menu.
  2. Click on Trust Accounts.

  1. Click on + Add Account on the right.

  1. You will now be taken to the Add Trust Bank Account form.

  • Display Name - Name of the account (you can add more than one Trust Account, this is a way of differentiating between them).
  • Trust Type - Select Sales Trust (refer to IBD Trust Account for Special Trust Accounts).
  • Status - Select Open to activate the account, use Draft if you do not have all details but want to save and come back later.
  • Currency - Choose your currency from the dropdown.
  • Trust Regulations - Choose your state from the list to ensure your account abides by your state's specific regulations.
  • Commencement Date - If this is a new trust account, this date will be the date the account was opened with your bank. If this is an existing trust account, this date will be the date you wish to start reporting transactions from Aro.  Reconciliations will be required from this month. 
  • Initial Receipt Number - If you want to continue your invoice numbering from another account, enter the next number in this box ready for your first Trust Transaction. Leave this as 1 if this is a new trust account.


  1. Complete all information for the Trustee and Agency.

Financial Institution

  • This section is in reference to your actual bank details.
  • Opening Balance - this field is only to be used if you are transferring from another software or when you have been manually reporting and reconciling an open account previously. This balance would then be the balance of your account on the date you are switching reporting over to Aro. If this is a new trust account the opening balance will be 0.


  • Select the office the account is to be linked to. You can select more than one office if required.
  • When you have completed all the required fields, click on Save.
Once the trust account has been saved as Open, the details cannot be edited. If you are unsure on particular fields, please contact our support team to confirm before saving the account.