Search Contacts

Search Contacts

This file will guide you through searching Contacts. There are a few ways to search contacts in the system. 
  1. Use the below magnifying glass to quickly search for a specific contact in your Aro database
  1. Start typing in the search bar to find your contact
  1. You can search by name or by contact detail (contact number or email address)
  2. All contacts which match all or part of your search will appear in the left column under Contacts

Contact Search (List)

  • Click on "Contacts" in the main menu
  • You can now use the filters on the left to narrow down your search
  • To use the filters, simply tick the box and enter your search term
    • Example - to filter to a list of all Current Buyers; tick the Groups filter, click into the white box that appears below and find the Current Buyer group in the dropdown menu
  • Once you have selected your parameters, click on the Green Apply Filters button at the bottom of your screen
  • The number of contacts in the list will show in the top left under the Contacts header as below