Search and/or Reprint Trust Account Receipt

Search and/or Reprint Trust Account Receipt

To search or reprint a trust account receipt follow the steps below:

From the main Trust Account

  1. Hover over the Finances menu
  2. Click on Trust Accounts
  1. Select the correct trust account from the drop down menu (if more than 1 trust account is active)
  2. Select Recent Activity from the left side menu
  3. You can then either scroll through the list, or use the filters when the receipt number is known:
  1. Use the action buttons on the right side of the screen to View, Email or Print the receipt.

From a Listing

  1. Find the listing in Aro
  2. Click into the Trust Accounts tab on the left
  3. Select the correct ledger
  4. Find the transaction in the list
  5. Use the action buttons on the right side of the screen to View, Email or Print the receipt.