Schema data on websites

Schema data on websites

What is schema?

Website schema, also known as schema markup or structured data, is a way of organising and presenting information on a website in a structured format that is easily understood by search engines. It involves adding specific HTML tags to the website's code to provide additional information about the content on the page.
Implementing schema markup can help with SEO to improve a website's visibility, increase click-through rates, and provide a better user experience for visitors.

Types of schema supported

Schema is automatically generated on the following pages/records in Arosoftware websites.


Organisation schema is generated on the home page.
Includes agency name, website URL and logo link


Person schema is generated on the consultant details page.
Includes name , profile URL, job title


Event schema is generated for inspection times on the property details page.
Includes inspection start and end time, location


Article schema is generated on the blog pages.
Includes blog article preview description text, image link, post URL, author/publisher details, date published