Performance Report

Performance Report

The data in the performance report is provided directly by the Meta marketing API and is collected as soon as it is made available by Meta.

Supported Metrics

The performance report for social ads is broken down into the following metrics.

Link Clicks
The number of times your ad has been clicked on.

Unique Clicks
The number of users that have clicked on your ad.

Unique Reach
The number of people that have seen your ad.

How many times your ad has been viewed.

CPC (Cost per click)
The average cost of each click.

CPM (Cost per thousand impressions)
The average cost per thousand impressions.

CTR (Click through rate)
The percentage clicks per impression.

On average how many times your ad has been viewed by the same contact.

Downloading a report

You can download a report and send it to the vendor by clicking the "Download Report" button