Letters Module Overview

Letters Module Overview

What is the Letters Module

The Letters Module is simply an area where you can create and print letters to send to clients.

How to create a Letter

  • Navigate to Marketing > Generate Letter
  • Select the Contact that the letter is for
  • If the letter is being generated in relation to a Listing, select the listing.
  • Give the letter a name, this is used to identify the letter when viewing all letters that have been generated for a Contact
  • Enter the letter content by typing the content or selecting a template
  • Click Generate
At this point, the letter will be put it into the queue to be generated. Once completed, you will be automatically taken to the contacts page where you can download  the letter for printing.
All letters created in Arosoftware are automatically stored in the Documents tab of a Contact record
You can create a letter from scratch each time, or you can use Templates that you set up. For more information on Templates, click here.
Want to know something about Letter that we have not covered here? Please reach out to us at support@arosoftware.com