How to Add a Button

How to Add a Button

This article will show you how to add a button to your email design. There are 2 sections you can add a button from - the Text tab and the Elements tab. Both of these modules work the same.
  1. Click into the Text tab or the Elements tab, and drag and drop your button into place
  1. Over on the left you can then edit the text on your button and add the URL that the button will take the user to
  2. In the Style section on the left, you can change the button colour and the text colour, and also change it's alignment
  3. Click on Advanced Settings to further customise the button

In the Advanced Button Settings you can edit:
  1. The Padding - you can change the button width by increasing or decreasing the Left and Right padding
  2. Change the height of the button by increasing or decreasing the Top and Bottom padding
  3. Border Radius - altering the border radius rounds the edges of the button:
  4. Border Width - this is set at 0 by default, if you would like a border around the button increase this number:

  5. Border Colour - change the colour of your button border:
  6. Text Style - in this section you can change the Font Family, Text Size, make the button Bold, Italic or Underlined
  7. You can also change the capitalisation of the text in the Transform dropdown, and adjust the Line Height below this (more for buttons that go over one line)