What is a robots.txt file and how do I add them to my website?

What is a robots.txt file and how do I add them to my website?

What is a robots.txt file?

A robots.txt file is used to instruct search engine crawlers which URLs they are allowed to access on your website. It helps prevent overloading your site with too many requests from crawlers, but it does not guarantee that a page will be kept out of Google or other search engines.

How to Add a robots.txt File to Your Site

If you need to add a robots.txt file to your Arosoftware website, this is something that Arosoftware will need to handle for you.


  1. Email Arosoftware Support: Please send the relevant robots.txt file(s) to support@arosoftware.com
  2. Arosoftware Team will add the file to your website