How can I change the email template that is sent for property (buyer) alerts

How can I change the email template that is sent for property (buyer) alerts

The email template can be changed by management or office admin level users. 

Click the settings cog to go to Setup>Agency & Offices. To change the Agency template, use the edit pencil. If you want to change the office template, use the magnifying glass and then edit pencil on the appropriate office. 

Click on the Property Alerts tab (left side of screen). The Property Added template can be edited in the Subject and Description fields. The Price Changed template can also be edited. 


Navigate the the same area are instructed above. 

Make sure that the Property Alert Default Action is on Enabled. This means that when you add a listing as Available, the default action will be that you would like property alerts to be sent to matching buyers for that property. This can be overridden and changed to Disabled on individual listings. 

Also check that the property added enabled tick box is also ticked.