Create an Email Design Template

Create an Email Design Template

This help article will guide you through how to create an Email Design Template which you can use to ensure your email campaigns are consistent in format each week or month. 
If you are unable to see the Templates folder in the Setup Menu you may not have permission to create Templates - speak to a Management user to update your permissions and allow access if required.

Create a New Template

  1. Click on the Settings Cog in the top right of your database to open the Setup Menu
  2. Click on Templates under General
  3. Click on the green Add Template button in the top right
  4. Select Email Design
  5. This will then open the Email Designer
  6. Give your Template a name (eg. Weekly Market Update)
  7. Click on the Done button
  1. You will then be directed to a page of Template options. You can use an existing Arosoftware template, a previous Campaign or a saved template to base your new design on, or you can start entirely from scratch
  1. Drag and drop the basic content you would like to use in your template. The content should just be the basic elements - no specific listings or date focussed information needs to be added - this will be added later on when using this template

Select a Preview Image for your Template

Adding a preview image to your template will allow you to easily be able to see which template is which when you have more than one. For this step you will need to screenshot your template (or part of your template).
  1. Click into the Settings tab on the left
  2. Click on the Preview Image field to open your computer images, or drag and drop the image/screenshot into this field

Saving your Template

  1. Save your Template by clicking on the Save button in the top right of the email designer
  2. This template will now be available in your Saved Templates when creating a new Campaign