Christmas Flyers

Christmas Flyers


We have added a range of free Christmas and New Year flyers. Each of these flyers come in "Office" or "Agent" style, the office style shows your office's contact details and the agent style shows an individual agent's details.
Doing an end of year letter box drop with the Christmas flyers is a great way to generate some extra listing enquiries in the new year.

Getting Started

The flyers have been automatically added to your account. To generate a Christmas/New Year flyer, follow the steps below or watch the quick video:
  1. Search for your listing using the quick search magnifying glass in the top right.
  2. Select your listing.
  3. Click into the Window Cards/Brochures tab on the left.
  1. Click on the Create New Window Cards/Brochures button 
  2. Select the Christmas/New Year template in the Templates dropdown.
  3. Enter your greeting into the Banner field. If you leave this to Auto the system will set a banner automatically (eg. "Merry Christmas").
  4. Click on the green Generate Window Card button.
  5. Once Generated, click on the blue template name or the Download button to the right of the template to open your new flyer.

Flyer Designs

We have 4 designs to choose from. Each design has an office and agent version, you can browse the designs below.
Fancy your own unique flyer design? Why not get our team to do up something custom. Contact our support team to find out more -



Can I change the banner text, eg "Merry Christmas"?
Yes, when generating the flyer simply enter your text into the Banner text field.

Can I customise the layout of the Christmas flyers?
No, the Aro design team will need to make any customisations to these flyers. If you would like to make some changes simply contact us via chat, phone or email.