Automation Dashboard - Weekly Inspection Time Email

Automation Dashboard - Weekly Inspection Time Email

This guide will step you through setting up and editing the Weekly Inspection Time automations in the Automation Dashboard.

  • Go to Productivity > Automation
  • Click on the Weekly Inspection Times: Sales or Rental Automation card
  • Toggle On Enable
  • Enter From Email and Name: These fields will automatically have the office name and email address. You can overwrite these if required. 
  • Subject: This is the field recipients will see in their inbox. This will default to 'This weeks Sales/Rental inspection times' but this can be overwritten if required.
  • Send: Select the day and time that you want the email to be delivered.
  • Template: The default template looks like the screenshot below (with your logo and contact details) This template can be customised by clicking on the Custom toggle.
  • Info
    By default the email will include Inspection times within 7 days of the selected email send time. If you'd prefer to show only Inspection times up until Sunday 11:59pm following the send time, the template can be updated. Please contact support if you require assistance or have any questions.
  • Send Test: There is an option to send a test email which will bring up another box to enter the email address(es) to send to
  • Click Save
  • Info
    Only contacts that are subscribed to receive this information will receive the email. The screenshot below shows the 2 boxes that need to be ticked (within Edit Contact)
    Recipients can update their subscription or unsubscribe for receiving these emails by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the email footer