Automation Dashboard - Inspection Time Reminder

Automation Dashboard - Inspection Time Reminder

This guide will step you through setting up and editing the Inspection Reminder automation cards in the Automation Dashboard:

  • Go to Productivity > Automation
  • Click on the Inspection Reminder: Sales, Rental or Commercial Automation card
  • Toggle On Enable
  • Select the From Name (the default is Primary Listing Consultant, however you can change select Office, Contact Owner or a specific team member)
  • Send Via: SMS, fallback to Email (Default) , also SMS only Email only or Email, fallback to SMS options available (required SMS Module be active, valid SMS sender ID and have SMS send credits available)
  • Template: Click on the template name to view and if required edit the template used when sending the Inspection Invitation
  • Attach Listing Documents (Choosing a document category will send any documents uploaded in the specific category on the listing)
  • Click Save
  • FAQ

    1. Who will the Inspection Reminder be sent to:
      1. Contacts who are registered for the specific Inspection Time and are subscribed.
    2. When will it be sent:
      1. 24 hours prior to the inspection time
    Please Note: Recipients can update their subscription or unsubscribe for receiving these emails by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the email footer..