This guide will step you through setting up and editing the Inspection Followup automation cards in the Automation Dashboard
Go to Productivity > Automation
Click on the Inspection Follow Up: Sales, Rental or Commercial Automation card
Toggle On Enable
Choose to send immediately the inspection is logged or choose your delay time. Enter a value and choose:
Select the From Name (The default is Primary Listing Consultant, however you can change select Office, Contact Owner or a specific team member)
You can send via: SMS, fallback to Email (Default) , also SMS only, Email only or Email, fallback to SMS options available (required SMS Module be active, valid SMS sender ID and have SMS send credits available)
Under Template click on the template name to view and if required edit the template used when sending the Inspection Follow Up
Choose to use the Default or Custom Email Subject
Attach Listing Documents
Choosing a document category will send any documents uploaded in the specific category on the listing
Click Save
Email Recipients can update their subscription or unsubscribe for receiving these emails by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the email footer.