FAQ - Appraisal

FAQ - Appraisal

This article covers Frequently Asked Questions about Appraisals in Arosoftware.
  1. What about my existing Appraisal listings?
    1. We’ve created an Appraisal for any Appraisal stage listing that’s been added or edited in the past 12 months to help get you started.
  2. Can I still add and access my Appraisal listings?
    1. Any listings at the “Appraisal” stage remain accessible and can be progressed to Pending or Available. However, you cannot add new Appraisal listings. New listings will now start at the Pending stage.
  3. I have a current Seller lead. Can I convert it to an Appraisal?
  1. Can I add a dashboard button quick link to access My Appraisals?
    1. Yes, on your dashboard, click edit buttons, click on the + add button, choose system and select either My Appraisals or All Appraisals and save.
  2. How do I manage my appraisals in the new system?
    1. Appraisals are now located in the “Prospects” area, making it easier to manage them with features like quick add appraisal records, view appraisals in a table list or a drag and drop appraisal pipeline, communication logs, and follow-up tasks. 
  3. Where can I learn more about the new Appraisals feature?
  1. Why can't I see an appraisal for a property?
    1. The primary reason will be you don't have permission to view the appraisal as your not linked to the appraisal or the linked property
  2. Are there more updates coming for prospecting and appraisal tools?
    1. Yes, this update is just the beginning. We have more prospecting and appraisal-specific tools in development, so stay tuned for more exciting features.
  3. Who can I contact for further assistance?
    1. For further assistance, please contact our support team at support@arosoftware.com