Adding a new Project

Adding a new Project

Adding a new Project 

To add a new project select the Settings Cog to the top right of your Arosoftware
  1. In the Setup page select the Projects menu item under the heading Listings

If you can not see Projects as an option you may need to log in as a Management level user
  1. In the Projects module select + Add Project
  2. In the Add Project page complete the fields needed (The minimum required fields will be indicated in the the Checklist)
  3. On completion of fields select Save Project



  1. Name - The Projects Name 
  2. Status - Is the Project available to assign listings to.
  3. Consultants - Consultants assigned to the project. Mulitple can be added by using the Add action
  4. Marketing Title - Advertising title 
  5. Preview Description - Shortened description
  6. Description - Full Description of the Listing
  7. Links - Website URLs


  1. Add The Projects Location


  1. Upload images by selecting "Upload Photo's"
  2. Files must be .jgp