Adding a Blog Article

Adding a Blog Article

This help file will show you how to add a new blog article to your website. Please note there are 2 steps to creating a blog post. You will first need to create the page/url which the blog will be hosted on which is detailed below. Once the page/url has been created, you then have to edit the page itself and add your content.

Step 1 - Creating a blog page/url

  1. Click into the Settings Cog in the top right of your database.
  2. In the Company Column on the left, click on Website Manager.
  3. Click on the Blog Posts tab:
When selected you will see a list of your previously created blog posts and an option to Add Blog Post.
  1. Select Add Blog Post, this will open the settings page for the new blog post. Fill in the name of your blog, the page title and page url fields (these will automatically populate based on the name field).
  2. The Page description is for the blog preview, and for the page's SEO/settings - can add a brief description of what will be in the blog in here.
  3. Page Keywords are also for SEO, add in one, two or three words phrases which people would type in to find your blog, separated by commas (for example: market update, real estate, property prices).
  4. Add an Image - this will display on the preview for your blog post.
  5. Ticking the "Blog Post" box will publish your blog (can publish it later if it will take a while to add the content to the page).
  6. Follow on to Step 2 for steps on how to add the actual content to your blog post.

Step 2 - Add your blog content

Once the Blog Article page is created you will need to create content for your blog post. Click on the edit pencil to the right of your new blog page to open the page within the Website Editor
InfoFor assistance adding items to your website see our help centre topic Page Editing
Once you have published your blog, it will automatically show in the blog post layout so website visitors can access the new page.