Add a template

Add a template

Add the template

  1. Navigate to "Setup" > "Templates"

  1. Select the folder you would like to add a template into. If you do not have any folders, add one by clicking "Add Folder"
  2. Click "+ Template"
  1. Select the type of template you wish to create
  1. At this point the template will be added as a draft and automatically opened so that you can add the content

Add the template content

Now that you have added the template into the system you need to add the content before publishing the template.


For email templates you will need to enter the "Email Subject" and the "Email Body".
  1. Email Subject: The email subject is simply plain text and will be used by default (Users can opt to change it) when an email is sent using this template.
  2. Email Body: The email body is where the contents of your email should go. This content will sit between the header and signature of the email when sent. You can add links, images, merge fields and format the text as required.
  3. Email Signature: The email signature will be inserted into the email. Ticking this field lets you add a custom signature to the template. If you leave this unticked, the users default signature will be automatically used when sending.


For SMS templates you will need to insert the SMS message. This is the contents of the SMS. You can add text and merge fields.
Using merge fields in SMS templates means that the system will not be able to calculate exactly how many characters your SMS template is going to use. If you exceed 140 characters, 2 SMS credits will be used each time that template.


For letter templates you will need to insert the Letter content.
  1. Letter Body: The letter body is where the contents of your letter should go. This content will sit between the header and signature of the letter when generated. You can add links, images, merge fields and format the text as required.
  2. Letter Signature: Ticking this field lets you add a custom signature to the template. If you leave this unticked, the users default signature will be automatically used when generating the letter.

Template Modules Explained

Every template must relate to either the Contacts or Listings Module. The module selection gives you a simple way of showing what the template relates to.

When to use the Contact Module: You should use the "Listings" module when the template is going to be sent in relation to a listing. A good example of this is a "Just listed" email that you send to your buyers database.

When to use the Contact Module: You should use the "Contacts" module when the template is only going to be sent to contacts and the contents does not relate to a listing. A good example of this is a thank you email after an appraisal request.