Add a menu item

Add a menu item

This article will instruct you on how to add a menu item to your website.

If you want the menu to open a page within your website, you will need to add the page you are linking to first.
  1. In the Website Manager, click the "Add Menu Item" button at the bottom of "Menu Groups" on the left

  2. Select the "Parent Menu" that this menu should show under. If this is a new main menu heading,  select "Primary"
  3. Enter the name of the new menu in "Item Name"
  4. Select the "Item Type"
    1. Internal Page = A page on your website
    2. External Page = A page on another website
    3. Category = Text only, no link text displays in menu
  5. Select the "Page" that you would like to link to. If you selected "External Page" you should enter the URL for the external page here
  6. Select a "Target" for the link. Same Window for internal pages or New Window for External links are recommended
  7. Click "Save"

Other Options

Icon = Lets you add an icon to the menu

Image = Add an image to the menu. This will only show for designs that use "Quicklinks" menu with images.

Description = Add a Description to the menu. This will only show for designs that use "Quicklinks" menu with description.