Deposits & Payments
Receipting incorrect or unknown deposits in the Trust Account
The Aro trust accounting module is designed to log all transactions in your sales trust account. There are times you may receive funds in error to the trust account or even an unknown deposit. As you need to record any funds entering and leaving the ...
Transfer money held in trust
Transferring of funds held in trust is only possible if the ledgers are linked to the same trust account. This is a process of reallocating the funds within the same trust account. Scenarios: This process can be used for when a buyer has paid a ...
Receipting multiple amounts on 1 trust receipt
This help file will guide you through receipting multiple amounts to one listing. There are 2 possible scenarios where this might occur: 1. You have received 1 amount to cover more than 1 contract. (e.g. The same buyer has a contract on 2 listings ...
Search and/or Reprint Trust Account Receipt
To search or reprint a trust account receipt follow the steps below: From the main Trust Account Hover over the Finances menu Click on Trust Accounts Select the correct trust account from the drop down menu (if more than 1 trust account is active) ...
Contract fallen/cancelled - Refund Deposit to Buyer
This help file will guide you through the process to refund a deposit back to buyer that is not proceeding with a property purchase. You should already have entered the contract details and receipt the deposit. If not, please use the following ...
How to Settle a Sale and move money held in trust to Sellers account
This article will explain the process to settle a property and then disburse trust monies. Once settlement has occurred, the money held in trust should be transferred to the seller as it is no longer being held on behalf of the buyer Settle the Sale ...
Reverse a Payment from Trust
Sometimes errors are made in trust and transactions need to be un-done. All transactions have to be documented in trust accounts and transactions cannot be deleted. A transaction can however be reversed when needed. The transaction will still appear ...
Enter a Payment from Trust
Use the Quick Search bar to find the listing Go to the Trust Accounts tab on the left side of the screen Click on Spend Funds The items with a red asterisk must be entered before saving Fill in the details as required eg. Date, Amount, Method and any ...
Reprint or Email a Deposit Receipt
1. Use the Quick Search bar to find the Listing or the Contact. Go to the Trust Accounts tab on the left side of the screen From the list of transactions, use the action buttons to send the receipt by email or print. OR 2. If you know the Receipt ...
Receipt a Deposit to a Listing (Sales Deposit)
The contract details must be entered into Aro and a trust account must be added to a listing before money can be deposited. If this step has not been completed on this listing, please follow the relevant help article - Adding a Contract or Add a ...