Google Search Console Indexing Warnings and Errors
If your website has Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager installed, you may see email notifications from your Google Search Console with suggested updates to your website to improve Google search performance. See below for some of the more common ...
Understanding Website Jargon
The purpose of this help file is to break down the terms that are frequently used so that the process of creating a website with Aro is simple and not daunting. To help understand the jargon, we will use the analogy of starting a new business in a ...
Website Design - Images Sizes
This help file will guide you on what images sizes (pixels) are required for slideshows for each website design All Banner images need to be 1920 px x 300px. Banner Images appear on landing pages Design Image Dimensions Richmond Base Design: Feature ...
How to search for my website enquiries in the software
Any enquiry you get from your website is stored in your database (in case emails go down or for whatever reason you didnt get an email notification) you can always see your enquiries in the database Go to Contacts On the left hand side bar select the ...
Add a new page to your website
Creating a page Click on the "Setup" menu followed by "Website Manager" Click the "Add Page" button Enter the desired Page Name and Page Title (for clarity and consistency, best practice is to keep them the same). The URL will auto fill to whatever ...
What is a robots.txt file and how do I add them to my website?
What is a robots.txt file? A robots.txt file is used to instruct search engine crawlers which URLs they are allowed to access on your website. It helps prevent overloading your site with too many requests from crawlers, but it does not guarantee that ...
How do I set the email addresses for my enquiry forms on my website ?
During your training session, the Arosoftware support team will ask you several questions to help configure the software for your specific needs. We'll work with you to ensure the settings are correct for each type of enquiry form on your website. ...
How do I add a sitemap.xml file to my website?
If you're looking to manage your website's sitemap, Arosoftware provides helpful guidance for adding and updating it. You can find the detailed steps in the following article: Adding and Updating Your Website's Sitemap This will walk you through the ...
How can we get statistics on website traffic?
To add Google Analytics to your site for more detailed traffic insights, follow these steps: Click here to see instructions on Google Analytics for setting up and obtaining the necessary code. Once you've generated the code, send it over to us, and ...
How can I make changes to our website and access website manager?
Only Management and Office Admin role users can access the website manager There any many help articles to follow and guide you on how to edit your website, click here for more information Go to Setup > Website Manager Click the edit pencil icon or ...